Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A resting stop on the journey

That's where I am beginning as of yesterday. Today I was up before 7 a.m. and am doing nothing. My sister called from Myanmar last night but I was gone into deep sleep by 10 P.M. I must have needed it. She will call again and we will talk and giggle tonight. I am looking forward in the next few weeks to seeing family, playing with old friends and the marrying off of Lily, a child of my friends, to her love of 5 years. That's the next station on my journey. For now, eat eggs, drink coffee and fall asleep early. Life is Good! Life has always been (mostly) good.


  1. Hmingi,
    I was sorry to learn that your time is up at Clear Lake, I am sure that God willl lead you where he needs you to be.

  2. Fun blog! Have a good trip - and please go and visit the Blue Dog bakery in Louisville for me! Oh, also the Maido restaurant. . I love that town. I wish I were there, too!
