I have become so very fat in my happy getting older days. The last 5 years or so to be exact. I got fat to a point that I could not stand my look, my smell, the way I feel in my own skin. Yes, it is possible to feel that way about one's self, it turned out. I came to be very annoyed by the unnecessary discomfort in my breathing and my blood sugar and other stuff as well. I got tired of my own excuse of saying, " I decided to love my fat self".
And most importantly, the night Joshua turned 16 (in July) we were looking at a photo album, he pointed out a picture of me and said, "Nanu Mami, you were not fat then!". It was a picture of me on the new year's eve of 2005. I had a pair of blue jeans on which reminded me of how long have I not been able to wear that good looking jeans....
On the 5th of August, the day after Joshua left for Louisville I joined Weight Watchers. I was horrified by the number I saw on their scale but I knew it was true. I have been learning to count points (calories, fat and fiber), and learning when to stop eating. It is a really good program. I already eat only healthy food but I had been eating too much of it which does not do any better than eating junk food to the body. My journey began then and now I am on that journey of getting fit and healthy for 8 weeks. Each day I count my points and each week I watch my weight going down.
The meetings I attend has a leader by the name of Dona, a wonderful lady with a great sense of humour. I who used to be standing there leading people am enjoying sitting on a chair among many others listening and learning. I admire people who have been on the journey for a few years and have lost any where from 40-100+ pounds. They look good and healthy now, they continue to come to the meetings to encourage those of us who are still fat and need a lot of encouragement.
In these meetings we swap new findings of healthy and less harmful food for the body, we swap recipes, we tell and listen to one an other's stories, we laugh together, we encourage one another. Some of us are church elders, deacons, some are teachers, some house wives, some clergy, some even NASA engineers, some work in the health care, some of us are grand mothers/grand fathers, some young mothers, some singles, some very young, some older and all in between. It is a group of people from all walks, all religions and occupations.
I thank God for all these people.
The apostle Paul said to us, " Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you which you have from God, and that you are not your own. For you were bought with the prize: therefore glorify God with your body" I Corinthians 6:19 & 20.
So, here I am on a journey to clean this temple of the Holy Spirit bought with the prize. So far 13.8 pounds less excess on this temple of the Holy Spirit. By God's grace I hope to get where I should be in God's good own time.
well done indeed! 13 pounds is already a great achievement :) Really cool...!!