Sunday, September 20, 2009

A new routine on Sunday morning

It is 9:13 A.M.on a Sunday morning. I am sitting in my family room looking out at the water on the little lake to the back of the house, drinking coffee and listening to a very meditative piano music of Dr. Jihye Chang. The last time I did this was so..........long ago, I can't remember when. I did love being so very busy on Sunday mornings going to church early to listen to people, take part in worship, to converse, to bring a smile on as many people as I could, to listen some more etc.etc. It was all very very good. It turns out that Being Quiet at home on a Sunday morning is very good as well. Will is in NC, I am really quiet, no noise in my head - even. I can feel my tensed up nerves stretching out slowly. For them to be totally stretched out again may take time. It's alright because I have nothing but time. Later I will get my self to a church to sit on a pew with others to worship. Today I begin feeling my new title in the Presbytery, "Minister Member At Large". Quite funny,I think. I actually like my new title very much. It seems a very suitable title to have in TEXAS of all places. I think a cowboy attire completed with boots/hat would go very well with my new title. Again it is "Minister Member At Large". The Psalm for me today is: Ps.116: 1-2, 11-14 " I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. What shall I return to the LOrd for all his bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the 'lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people". Later in the afternoon, after a nap, I might do some more things like experiment with cooking new dishes in the kitchen. Or take a walk. Or paint colour on water. Or call friends. Or read. Or just be still in silence for fun. Who knows? The day is mine - a gift from God.

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