Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Wednesday August 4, 2021

I woke up with a song, " I love you Lord" ringing in my head and my heart. What a lovely way to wake up. My heart is so full of joy and gratitude to God for God's love, grace and faithfulness to me and my family everywhere. Good quiet time with God. Psalm 18 is my psalm today. Will and I had a devotion at the end of his breakfast and my coffee.

Wonderful video chat with family members in Loisville, KY and in Yangon, Myanmar. Samuel who is almost 13 joind in the conversation for the first time. He is the youngest of my family and I love him so.

Seni was visited by a doctor and given a shot she needs as the begining of her treatment plan. Thaks be to God! Today I give thanks to God for money and our parents who taught us how to save money. Money cannot do everything, I know. Yet, money can do a lot of good things.

The afternoon was spent with Mr. Xie in our kitchen finishing up some of the projects. I sat at the breakfast table and read this and that. I did a few work realted communications via email and 1 phone call also. Well... it's time I get my feet warmed up again for going back to work - after all, the l16th is almost here. It felt so good to be a little bit in touch with work again.

At the end of the day I decided and suggested to dine with Piglet and David. The 4 of us met at the Italian near the SRQ airport around 7:00 PM. I had seafood pasta. I ate all the seafood and a third of the pasta. So delicious! Everyone was happy with our meals. I really like this place. I had not eaten the same thing twice and loved each meal. I must have been there 7 times or so now.

Night came, I cheked in with my family in Myanmar for whom it is tomorrow morning. Everyone wakes up feeling better then the night before. I thank God for His blessings upon my entire family even myself and Will. Speaking of Will, we sat on our easy couch together as every night. Fell asleep. Life is good. God is good. i am grateful.

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