Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Listening to the silent

It's a Wednesday again. My day off. I am sitting silently in my living room looking out at the palm trees, and shrubs of several kinds and the little lake at the end of the property. All things are green at the end of October. How oddly I thought. I am used to coulourful trees and shrubs at this time of the year. I miss them. I am thinking of the big old tree at Lois', clothed with bright yellow leaves - when the sun comes through it you would feel like you are enveloped by a big arm of God in the bright yellow sun. It warms your heart and you giggle like a little kid. I stood under that tree so many times last fall with Carl and Lois talking, laughing and giggling. I can still hear Carl's voice, "bye now, see you Sunday/Wednesday". I am thinking of the long streets with big old trees on both sides of the streets which is like a long isle in God's natural Cathedral. Instead of stained glass windows you see the brilliant colours of all kinds God had painted on those old trees. The trees look so vibrant and proud telling the glory of God. I used to say, God was up painting last night while we were asleep with his big brush. If you don't believe me, look up at the trees. Back to here and now. I am still sitting in silent, listening to the sound of silent. It is restful and calming. I hope soon I will hear God in my heart. I know I will- when I finally quiet my head from all it's thoughts and wondering. When I finish talking without sound, I will be in silent. The Psalmist said, "Be still and know that I am God (Ps.46:10)."

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