Saturday, November 3, 2012

Surprises that make the heart glad...

I stood with the Rev. Dr. Margaret Towner

Yesterday I met the honorably retired the Rev. Dr. Margaret Townwer for the first time.  She is the first woman ever ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) and now lives in Sarasota, FL.  Margaret is a very sweet and wise woman who is still very actively involved in the Presbytery of Peace River.  She recruited me to serve on a committee the first time we met.  Way to go Margaret!

God has been giving me surprises all along my life.  He led me to Mother Teresa in my 20's doing all my Seminary internships at her Children's Home and Home for the Dying and Destitute.  He led me to meet and shake hands with Pople John Paul II while still in my 20's.  God led me to meet Brother Rogers of Taize and the Archbishop of Cantabury during the same peoriod of my life.  In my 30's God led me to become friends with theologian Letty Russell, Old Testament scholar Bob Coote and New Testament scholar Herman Weighjen.  In fact I was privillaged to write my doctoral dissertation with Herman as my advisor.  

God gave me  professors Virginia and John Hadsells as my american parents.  And Thelma and Dick Lyman as I began working.  God's biggest surprise to me was my ordination when I was 34.  Bill Leety  became my first mentor on how to be a pastor.  This was one of God's most precious gifts to me and Sue Mooney, the parish nurse, and Larry Rhodes, the music director, were part of that amazing gift.  

In my 40's I wondered around and met many good people. Stephen Oglesbee became my borther in Christ. His children call me Aunt Hmingi.  His wife Kendra became my very close friend.

Now in my early 50's God brought me to be friends with the very first ordained woman of PC (USA). What a marvelous God He is.  Surprises never ends.  Margaret actually lives about 2 miles from where we live now.  We are going to be firiends and I will learn much from her.  I am so excited and grateful. 

In the light of "All Saints Day" and meeting Margaret I am led to think about all the people God gifted into my life.   Some of them are now a part of the Church Triumphant - Sue and Dave Mooney of Overbrook Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio; Virginia Hadsell of Oakland, California; my own parents and my brother Richard.  I am so thankful to God for each and every one of them.

God surprises me now and then for that I say "Thanks be to God".  Amen.

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